Gum Disease Treatment In Imperial, MO

Welcome to Precision Dental Care and Sleep Solutions STL, your family dentist!

“I wish there were more stars to give. The work is amazing and perfect, their attitude, level of care and the general treatment is out of this world. No judgement, no admonishments for anything, just help with anything you need. I travel 40 minutes to go there, it’s that great.”


At Precision Dental Care and Sleep Solutions in Imperial, MO, we offer comprehensive gum disease treatment. Our team of skilled dentists and periodontists is dedicated to providing our patients with the highest level of care to help them achieve optimal oral health. We understand that gum disease can have a serious negative impact on your overall health, which is why we strive to provide effective treatments that will restore your smile and improve your well-being.

What Are The Causes Of Gum Disease?

Many factors can contribute to the development of gum disease, such as poor dental hygiene, smoking or chewing tobacco products, certain medications and illnesses, diabetes, or genetics. Therefore, visiting our office regularly for check-ups is essential to detect signs of early-stage gum disease before it progresses into an advanced stage.

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Periodontal Exams At Precision Dental Care and Sleep Solutions

During a periodontal exam at Precision Dental Care and Sleep Solutions, you will receive a thorough evaluation by one of our experienced dentists or periodontists who specialize in treating conditions related to gums and other tissues surrounding the teeth. This includes inspecting all areas around each tooth, including underneath the gums, where plaque builds up over time, leading to infection, causing inflammation and, ultimately, bone loss associated with advanced stages of Periodontal Disease (gum /bone loss).

Stages Of Periodontal Disease

  1. Gingivitis: The earliest stage of periodontal disease is caused by a buildup of plaque and bacteria on the teeth near the gum line. When brushing or flossing, symptoms include redness, swelling, tenderness, or bleeding.
  2. Early Periodontitis: Bacteria from plaque buildup in deeper pockets between the gums and teeth, creating an infection that can damage bone and tissue support around teeth. Symptoms may include red, swollen gums that bleed easily and persistent bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth.
  3. Moderate/Moderately Advanced Periodontitis: Further damage to supporting tissues has been done with this stage of periodontal disease, and moderate amounts of calculus (tartar) have formed above and below the gum line, increasing inflammation throughout the oral cavity, including at tooth roots where pockets are forming around each tooth containing harmful bacteria leading to further destruction if not treated immediately
  4. Severe Periodontitis: This is considered one of the most advanced stages because it involves severe pocket formation that extends down until it reaches soft tissue, thereby making cleaning difficult due to deep crevices between teeth, creating an extremely harmful environment for surrounding tissue leading even more extensive decay form if left untreated.

Warning Signs Of Gum Disease

  1. Red or swollen gums
  2. Tenderness or bleeding when brushing, flossing, or eating hard foods
  3. Receding gumline
  4. Bad breath that won’t go away
  5. Changes in the way your teeth fit together when you bite down
  6. Loose permanent teeth
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Common Gum Disease Treatment Options

  1. Professional Cleaning and Tartar Removal: Visiting your dentist regularly is the best way to prevent gum disease, as they can identify early signs of problems and recommend the most appropriate treatment. Professional cleaning involves removing plaque or bacteria buildup on teeth and under the gums, which are often difficult for patients to remove by brushing and flossing alone.
  2. Scaling and Root Planing: If there has been a significant amount of plaque or tartar buildup on teeth, your dentist may perform scaling and root planing procedures to clean up deeper deposits that cannot be removed with regular cleaning alone. This process involves scraping away calculus from below the gum line to smooth down root surfaces so that bacteria do not accumulate there again in the future.
  3. Antibiotics: In some cases where infection persists despite comprehensive preventive care, antibiotics may be prescribed by dentists or oral surgeons to kill off harmful bacteria responsible for causing gum disease symptoms such as redness, swelling, tenderness, bad breath, etc. Depending on the patient’s severity level, these antibiotics are usually administered orally or topically via mouth rinses or gels.
  4. Surgery: When other treatments fail to control an advancing gum disease case, surgery might become a necessary option for preventing further damage caused by it. Surgical procedures commonly used include flap operations, whereby infected tissue is cut open so the underlying bone can be cleaned, followed by closure afterward.

Schedule An Appointment With Our Periodontists In Imperial, MO, Today!

Please don’t ignore the warning signs of gum disease, as it leads to fatal consequences that affect your oral health badly. Instead, visit our periodontists in Imperial, MO, and get feasible treatment options best suited for you. Call us today and schedule your appointment!

Call Precision Dental Care and Sleep Solutions STL at +1(636)525-1049 to schedule an appointment today!

Your general and sleep dentistry specialists: 1280 Main Street, Imperial, MO 63052.